The Challenge
As a freelance UI/UX designer, I was presented with an exciting challenge: redesigning the 1st90 mobile app using Figma. 1st90 is an innovative platform that revolutionizes workplace learning by focusing on practical, on-the-job development combined with peer-to-peer and classroom learning. This approach is efficient for professionals seeking to enhance their skills during their workday. My mobile app redesign was well-received, aligning perfectly with their goal of creating a global community of professionals eager to learn, build new habits, and share insights during career transitions.

Buoyed by the success of the mobile app redesign, 1st90 approached me to update their web app. However, I quickly realized that the strategies that worked for the mobile app were less effective for the web. The primary hurdles included adapting the layout to suit web users and addressing user behaviors on the web versus mobile platforms.

I adopted a collaborative approach, working closely with the 1st90 team to gain a deep understanding of the unique needs of web users. This critical phase allowed me to tailor the design to these specific requirements. I also emphasized user testing and feedback, which was instrumental in identifying key issues, particularly in navigation and learning path clarity.
My solution involved introducing new design elements to the web app. These included enhanced navigation for the learning path and new modules on the home screen for each site section. This design made the user experience on the web distinct from the mobile app and more intuitive and user-friendly.

The redesigned web app was a success, evidenced by positive user feedback and improved user navigation and engagement metrics. This project was a valuable lesson in the importance of adapting designs to different platforms and the irreplaceable role of user testing in UI/UX design.

This project was a significant milestone in my career as a UI/UX designer. It taught me the importance of flexibility, understanding user behavior across different platforms, and the impact of thorough user testing. These learnings have prepared me for future UI/UX design challenges and have been instrumental in my professional growth.
My Role
As the UI/UX Designer for this project, my role involved in-depth analysis and creative synthesis. I mapped out the user journey for the web, identifying key touchpoints that could be enhanced based on our mobile app learnings. My responsibility was to ensure that the web experience was not just a replication of mobile but an expansion tailored to the unique strengths of web interaction. I led the design process, from wireframes to high-fidelity prototypes, and collaborated closely with developers to ensure a smooth transition from concept to implementation. My dedication to a user-first approach drove the design decisions, resulting in a web app that was both intuitive and engaging, providing a clear pathway for users to navigate and learn.
Delve deeper into the design journey of the 1st90 app's mobile version with our comprehensive case study on "1st90 Home 3.0: Learning Redefined". Here, I detail the creative process, the design strategies implemented, and the user-centric approach that led to a transformative learning experience for mobile users. Discover how we redefined engagement and intuitive learning on the go

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